Do you have an adolescent who is struggling with QuaranTEEN? Many teens are experiencing an increase in responsibility and isolation due to long-distance learning and social distancing and coping skills are at a minimum.
If your teen is struggling, please consider having them talk with someone. Well-meaning kids will often not want to burden parents with their issues and then they begin to suffer.
Are you seeing a decrease in socialization?
Is your adolescent experiencing Zoom fatigue?
Are they exhibiting an increase in isolation? Shutting themselves in their room - only to come out and get food?
Are you seeing an increase in frustration or outbursts?
Do they spend an inordinate amount of time on their phone?
This is an unprecedented time for our teens. It is 100% understandable that they are having difficulty adjusting. We are in unchartered territory. Consider giving them an outlet to express their frustration by seeking help from a therapist that is the right fit for them.